Objective To study the preparation of Placenta Hominis superfine powders, and to investigate its quality control methods. 目的选择紫河车超微粉的制备工艺,探讨紫河车的质量控制方法。
Objective To study the effects of Placenta Hominis and its substitutes on learning and memory ability in mice. 目的探讨紫河车及其代用品改善学习记忆的药理作用。
Study on the Characterization of the Superfine Powder of Placenta Hominis 紫河车超细粉体的表征技术研究
CONCLUSION: Polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis technique is an easy and simple procedure for identifying Placenta Hominis and its adulterants. 结论:电泳鉴别法对紫河车及其混淆品的鉴别快速灵敏,简便可行。
In this paper, the qualitative and quantitative analyses of phospholipid components in Placenta Hominis are reported by the methods of phosphorus 31 nuclear magnetic resonance (~ ( 31) P NMR) and thin-layer chromatography ( TLC) scanning combined with correction of absorbance proportional coefficient. 本文应用~(31)P核磁共振光谱和薄层扫描-吸光度比例系数校正法对补益中药紫河车中的磷脂组分进行了定性及定量分析。
Effect of Different Processing Methods on Content of Phospholipid and Composition of Placenta Hominis 不同炮制方法对紫河车磷脂成分含量及组成的影响
Analysis and comparison were made on the effect of different processing methods and temperature on the content of phosphatidyl choline in Placenta Hominis, using a fluorescent thin layer scanning method. 本文首次应用荧光薄层扫描法,对不同方法和温度炮制的紫河车中磷脂酰胆碱的含量进行分析、比较。
Analysis of Placenta Hominis by~ ( 31) P Nuclear Magnetic Resonance and Thin-layer Chromatography Scanning Combined with the Method of Absorbance Proportional Coefficient Correction 中药紫河车中磷脂组分的~(31)P核磁共振光谱及薄层色谱-吸光度比例系数校正法研究